Hello everyone and welcome to the site. My name is Tamer Aly and I’m a professional software engineer. I have a BA in Natural Sciences and a MS in Computer Science from Fordham University with a focus in Cognitive Computing. I’ve published a paper called Analysis of Dual Auditory Systems Using Combinatorial Fusion. The jist of the paper is to apply a technique called Combinatorial Fusion Analysis on auditory data to see if combining the two auditory data streams into one provides us with more accurate information than each independent data stream.
For me, software development is not only a job, it is a passion. As a hobby, I like to explore other kinds of software problems to expand my horizon. My current focus is working on an open source scripting programming language, writing more on my blog, and learning Haskell. I also really enjoy mentoring; I believe that almost all programming courses do not help prepare aspiring developers for industry level development; there seems to be too much of a focus on “getting things to work” without understanding why they are working. Software engineering practices like using version control, deployment, program architecture, and other design principles are infrequently taught and practiced at most colleges. This was true in my own college and even in graduate school.
I try not to let programming consume my entire life so I take frequent breaks by lifting weights, reading non-technical books, watching crime drama TV, (re)watching The Office, looking at the newest cars on the market, going for long walks and ice coffee, and playing video games.
Why this website?
I am primarily hosting this website for a few reasons:
- I want to help educate upcoming computer science students about computers and technology since technology is the way of the future. Fortunately, computer science is a very hands-on field since all the tools you need are at the edge of your fingertips; learning and experimenting with programs is very easy.
- I want a central hub where I can post my opinions on technology, gaming, computer programming, and other matters. Although this website is mostly aimed towards technology (it’s my primary hobby), it isn’t my only interest and you will see many posts with my personal opinions on various topics.
- My focus in undergraduate and graduate computer science was focused on computer networking, cognitive computing algorithms, and combinatorics. I didn’t take a class for website design so it is an area that I’m fairly unfamiliar with and I wanted to learn more about website design and development. I’m hoping that as my website grows, so does my knowledge of website design and development.
- I want this website to serve as a central hub for my professional development and as a good reference for any future employers.